Making Magic with Motivation
3 credit hour Iowa license renewal course (What's this?)
Course Dates: January 17th to March 1st
(Registration starts soon!)
(Registration starts soon!)
As living, breathing human beings we know that harnessing the greased-pig of motivation can be challenging. As educators, we are always on the look-out for new ways to motivate our students because we understand the important role motivation plays in engagement, learning and achievement. Making Magic with Motivation is a 3 hour Iowa license renewal course that brings you the leading and latest motivational research. What to expect…
In Making Magic with Motivation, we start by examining leading motivational theories and how they can be applied in the classroom. We make theory practical and doable for the educator. We then examine the latest brain research on motivation including the brain’s innate Seeking System and Information Processing System and how they relate to active learning and the attention getting memory. Finally, we look at how all this information relates to students’ executive functioning and how it can better prepare them for the future.
In Making Magic with Motivation, we start by examining leading motivational theories and how they can be applied in the classroom. We make theory practical and doable for the educator. We then examine the latest brain research on motivation including the brain’s innate Seeking System and Information Processing System and how they relate to active learning and the attention getting memory. Finally, we look at how all this information relates to students’ executive functioning and how it can better prepare them for the future.
Course objectives will be met through instructor designed lessons and activities, supplemental readings and videos, discussions & tests. This course is presented in a modified, self-paced format. Participants are expected to access the course and post regularly (at least once a week) and make reasonable progress, but there are no due dates attached to individual assignments. Instead there are 2 absolute due dates (mid-term and the last day of class) to provide flexibility and to better accommodate participants' busy schedules.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will...
1. Know the leading motivational theories & how they apply in the classroom
2. Understand the brain’s innate Seeking & Information Processing Systems & the role they play in motivating students
3. Be able to apply strategies that leverage the SEEKING & Information Processing Systems in order to increase learning, tap into higher-order thinking, and develop 21st century skills.
How Does This Course Support The Iowa Core?
The information and strategies presented in this course improve student motivation and engagement and will impact across all disciplines, subject/content areas, and age levels to improve thinking and learning. All students must be proficient learners and reach their maximum potential. This falls in line with the Iowa Core that states school preparation should produce the following:
1. Students who are college and career ready in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language.
2. Students who are proficient in English, language arts, history, social studies, science, and technical subjects in all grade levels.
3. Students who are proficient in 21st century skills such as critical thinking/problem solving, curiosity, collaboration and leadership.
Course Topics
1. Leading Motivational Theories & Emotional Intelligences
2. The SEEKING System
3. The Information Processing System & Attention Getting Memory
4. Active Processing
5 Executive Function & Preparing Students for the Future
This is a 3 credit hour Iowa license renewal only course. Grading is Pass/Fail. Students are required to participate in and complete all assignments and/or activities. Participants must earn scores of 80% or better to receive Pass score and receive credit.
Required Text
The Motivated Brain: Improving Student Attention, Engagement, and Perseverance (2015) by Gayle Gregory and Martha Kaufeldt. It can be ordered through local bookstores or purchased online.
Course objectives will be met through instructor designed lessons and activities, supplemental readings and videos, discussions & tests. This course is presented in a modified, self-paced format. Participants are expected to access the course and post regularly (at least once a week) and make reasonable progress, but there are no due dates attached to individual assignments. Instead there are 2 absolute due dates (mid-term and the last day of class) to provide flexibility and to better accommodate participants' busy schedules.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will...
1. Know the leading motivational theories & how they apply in the classroom
2. Understand the brain’s innate Seeking & Information Processing Systems & the role they play in motivating students
3. Be able to apply strategies that leverage the SEEKING & Information Processing Systems in order to increase learning, tap into higher-order thinking, and develop 21st century skills.
How Does This Course Support The Iowa Core?
The information and strategies presented in this course improve student motivation and engagement and will impact across all disciplines, subject/content areas, and age levels to improve thinking and learning. All students must be proficient learners and reach their maximum potential. This falls in line with the Iowa Core that states school preparation should produce the following:
1. Students who are college and career ready in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language.
2. Students who are proficient in English, language arts, history, social studies, science, and technical subjects in all grade levels.
3. Students who are proficient in 21st century skills such as critical thinking/problem solving, curiosity, collaboration and leadership.
Course Topics
1. Leading Motivational Theories & Emotional Intelligences
2. The SEEKING System
3. The Information Processing System & Attention Getting Memory
4. Active Processing
5 Executive Function & Preparing Students for the Future
This is a 3 credit hour Iowa license renewal only course. Grading is Pass/Fail. Students are required to participate in and complete all assignments and/or activities. Participants must earn scores of 80% or better to receive Pass score and receive credit.
Required Text
The Motivated Brain: Improving Student Attention, Engagement, and Perseverance (2015) by Gayle Gregory and Martha Kaufeldt. It can be ordered through local bookstores or purchased online.