Stand by Me
Connecting Our Children in Poverty with Hope
3 credit hour Iowa license renewal course (What's this?)
Course Dates: February 15th to March 31st
(Registration is open!)
(Registration is open!)
Our hearts are broken daily as we watch so many students struggle with trying to meet basic needs. Food scarcity, homelessness, lack of good medical care, safe neighborhoods…it goes on and on and our children, and consequently our society, are suffering terribly.
In their book Disrupting Poverty, Kathleen Budge and William Parrett provide teachers with years of research and classroom know-how to form strategies that fight against the eroding power of poverty. They discuss the hallmarks of high achieving poverty schools which include caring relationships and advocacy, high expectations and support, commitment to equity, professional accountability for learning and the courage and will to act. Voices of experience from those who have “made it” out of poverty to become successful adults will merge with tried and true classroom and school practices as examined.
Stand by Me: Connecting Our Children in Poverty with Hope takes what Budge and Parrett present in their book and place it within the context of the educator who is taking the class. Participants will learn what it means to live in poverty, and the toll it takes on the student, family and society. Participants will be asked to delve into their own consciousness and experience to determine how they can combat the effects of poverty and set up high achieving classrooms. The importance of relationships, rigorous curriculum and different learning approaches will be explored. Participants will examine methods proven to be effective in high poverty/high achieving schools and will be given the tools with which to implement these in their own classrooms and schools.
In their book Disrupting Poverty, Kathleen Budge and William Parrett provide teachers with years of research and classroom know-how to form strategies that fight against the eroding power of poverty. They discuss the hallmarks of high achieving poverty schools which include caring relationships and advocacy, high expectations and support, commitment to equity, professional accountability for learning and the courage and will to act. Voices of experience from those who have “made it” out of poverty to become successful adults will merge with tried and true classroom and school practices as examined.
Stand by Me: Connecting Our Children in Poverty with Hope takes what Budge and Parrett present in their book and place it within the context of the educator who is taking the class. Participants will learn what it means to live in poverty, and the toll it takes on the student, family and society. Participants will be asked to delve into their own consciousness and experience to determine how they can combat the effects of poverty and set up high achieving classrooms. The importance of relationships, rigorous curriculum and different learning approaches will be explored. Participants will examine methods proven to be effective in high poverty/high achieving schools and will be given the tools with which to implement these in their own classrooms and schools.
Course objectives will be met through instructor designed lessons and activities, the course text, supplemental readings and videos, discussions, reflections & Tests. This course is presented in a modified, self-paced format. Participants are expected to access the course and post regularly (at least once a week) and make reasonable progress, but there are no due dates attached to individual assignments. Instead there are 2 absolute due dates (mid-term and the last day of class) to provide flexibility and to better accommodate participants' busy schedules.
Course objectives will be met through instructor designed lessons and activities, the course text, supplemental readings and videos, discussions, reflections & Tests. This course is presented in a modified, self-paced format. Participants are expected to access the course and post regularly (at least once a week) and make reasonable progress, but there are no due dates attached to individual assignments. Instead there are 2 absolute due dates (mid-term and the last day of class) to provide flexibility and to better accommodate participants' busy schedules.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will...
1. Know how to cultivate a culture & mindset to disrupt poverty
2. Understand the truth of living in poverty and its impact on education
3. Know how to build relationships that build hope and recognize the needs of students in poverty
4. Understand how beliefs create alternate realities
5. Understand how poverty affects educational equity, equality and opportunity
By the end of the course, participants will...
1. Know how to cultivate a culture & mindset to disrupt poverty
2. Understand the truth of living in poverty and its impact on education
3. Know how to build relationships that build hope and recognize the needs of students in poverty
4. Understand how beliefs create alternate realities
5. Understand how poverty affects educational equity, equality and opportunity
How Does This Course Support The Iowa Core?
The information and strategies presented in this course improve students’ opportunities for school and, ultimately, life success. It provides insight into how to reach and teach children in poverty and gives educators a realistic and doable slate of practices that work. Destroying the corrosive power of poverty will impact across all disciplines, subject/content areas, and age levels to improve thinking and learning. All students must be proficient learners and reach their maximum potential. This falls in line with the Iowa Core that states school preparation should produce the following:
1. Students who are college and career ready in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language.
2. Students who are proficient in English, language arts, history, social studies, science, and technical subjects in all grade levels.
3. Students who are proficient in 21st century skills such as critical thinking/problem solving, curiosity, collaboration and leadership.
The information and strategies presented in this course improve students’ opportunities for school and, ultimately, life success. It provides insight into how to reach and teach children in poverty and gives educators a realistic and doable slate of practices that work. Destroying the corrosive power of poverty will impact across all disciplines, subject/content areas, and age levels to improve thinking and learning. All students must be proficient learners and reach their maximum potential. This falls in line with the Iowa Core that states school preparation should produce the following:
1. Students who are college and career ready in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language.
2. Students who are proficient in English, language arts, history, social studies, science, and technical subjects in all grade levels.
3. Students who are proficient in 21st century skills such as critical thinking/problem solving, curiosity, collaboration and leadership.
Course Topics that Support Instructional Practices and Strategies:
*Disrupting poverty through culture & mindset
*The truth of living in poverty
*Welfare myths
*Building hope
*Alternate realities: expectations, fear & grit
*Equity, equality & opportunity
*Building up students in poverty
*Disrupting poverty through culture & mindset
*The truth of living in poverty
*Welfare myths
*Building hope
*Alternate realities: expectations, fear & grit
*Equity, equality & opportunity
*Building up students in poverty
This is a 3 credit hour Iowa license renewal only course. Grading is Pass/Fail. Students are required to participate in and complete all assignments and/or activities. Participants must earn scores of 80% or better to receive Pass score and receive credit.
This is a 3 credit hour Iowa license renewal only course. Grading is Pass/Fail. Students are required to participate in and complete all assignments and/or activities. Participants must earn scores of 80% or better to receive Pass score and receive credit.
Required Text:
Budge, K. M., & Parrett, W. H., (2018). Disrupting poverty: Five powerful classroom practices. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Budge, K. M., & Parrett, W. H., (2018). Disrupting poverty: Five powerful classroom practices. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.