This is a 3 credit hour course based on Helping Traumatized Children Learn – A Report and Policy Agenda from the Massachusetts Advocates for Children: Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative. Helping Traumatized Children Learn is the result of an extraordinary collaboration among educators, parents, mental health professionals, community groups, and attorneys determined to help children experiencing the traumatic effects of exposure to family violence succeed in school.
Building on the horror of the day to day issues of poverty, abuse, homelessness and food insecurity is our newest assailant: COVID-19.
This class is an up to the minute, timely look at trauma in the lives of the students we teach. At no other time in our country’s history have we been faced with such a flood of negative events that are attacking us, our families, our neighbors and our students. Now educators spend time worrying about, planning for, and assisting children and their families who are living through the trauma of COVID-19. With the consistent and enormous battle we are facing each day with this disease, new information is emerging that causes us greater and greater alarm.
Helping Traumatized Children Learn provides the educator with information on how to identify, treat and seek assistance for the traumatized child. The “usual” trauma will be addressed; trauma that is always with us resulting in tremendous need that places our students in hopeless and helpless situations such as poverty, abuse, neglect, immigration, war, medical problems, etc.
Added to these topics, the class will also provide information and resources on the issues that have plagued our traumatized children with the latest and newest information on COVID-19. This class offers educator hope that they can, with the right instruments, give their students the necessary tools they need not only to survive and maintain but, in some instances, come through trauma as healthy, happy people.
Building on the horror of the day to day issues of poverty, abuse, homelessness and food insecurity is our newest assailant: COVID-19.
This class is an up to the minute, timely look at trauma in the lives of the students we teach. At no other time in our country’s history have we been faced with such a flood of negative events that are attacking us, our families, our neighbors and our students. Now educators spend time worrying about, planning for, and assisting children and their families who are living through the trauma of COVID-19. With the consistent and enormous battle we are facing each day with this disease, new information is emerging that causes us greater and greater alarm.
Helping Traumatized Children Learn provides the educator with information on how to identify, treat and seek assistance for the traumatized child. The “usual” trauma will be addressed; trauma that is always with us resulting in tremendous need that places our students in hopeless and helpless situations such as poverty, abuse, neglect, immigration, war, medical problems, etc.
Added to these topics, the class will also provide information and resources on the issues that have plagued our traumatized children with the latest and newest information on COVID-19. This class offers educator hope that they can, with the right instruments, give their students the necessary tools they need not only to survive and maintain but, in some instances, come through trauma as healthy, happy people.
The course is organized into 4 modules. The length of time each unit should take to complete varies from approximately 30 to 35 hrs. Lessons will be taught using a combination of readings, videos, external resources, examples, discussion forums, activities, assignments, and enrichment materials. The instructor will offer coaching and feedback on all assignments.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will:
1. Understand the issues that affect traumatized children
2. Understand the behaviors that traumatized children exhibit
3. Understand how to deal with behaviors in traumatized children
4. Understand how to create a school environment that is helpful to the traumatized child
5. Understand barriers to learning for traumatized children
Course Topics
1. Childhood trauma and academic performance
2. Childhood trauma and classroom behavior
3. Childhood trauma and relationships
4. The role of schools in the lives of traumatized children
5. The flexible framework: an action plan for schools
6. Policy recommendations
7. Removing trauma as a barrier to learning
Grading is the same whether the course is taken for graduate credit or for license renewal. Students are required to participate in
all discussion forums and to complete all assignments and/or activities. A=90%-100%; B=80%-89%-Because this is a graduate level course, scores must be 80% or better to receive credit.
Required Text: Helping Traumatized Children Learn – A Report and Policy Agenda from the Massachusetts Advocates for Children: Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative may be download for free at
The course is organized into 4 modules. The length of time each unit should take to complete varies from approximately 30 to 35 hrs. Lessons will be taught using a combination of readings, videos, external resources, examples, discussion forums, activities, assignments, and enrichment materials. The instructor will offer coaching and feedback on all assignments.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will:
1. Understand the issues that affect traumatized children
2. Understand the behaviors that traumatized children exhibit
3. Understand how to deal with behaviors in traumatized children
4. Understand how to create a school environment that is helpful to the traumatized child
5. Understand barriers to learning for traumatized children
Course Topics
1. Childhood trauma and academic performance
2. Childhood trauma and classroom behavior
3. Childhood trauma and relationships
4. The role of schools in the lives of traumatized children
5. The flexible framework: an action plan for schools
6. Policy recommendations
7. Removing trauma as a barrier to learning
Grading is the same whether the course is taken for graduate credit or for license renewal. Students are required to participate in
all discussion forums and to complete all assignments and/or activities. A=90%-100%; B=80%-89%-Because this is a graduate level course, scores must be 80% or better to receive credit.
Required Text: Helping Traumatized Children Learn – A Report and Policy Agenda from the Massachusetts Advocates for Children: Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative may be download for free at